
Fertility treatment has helped many infertile men and women who have not been able to conceive naturally.  Infertility is quite common and affects 1 in 7 people, from 1991 to 2016, over 1,100,000 IVF treatment cycles were carried out in the UK helping couples and single women to become pregnant.

IVF Treatment

IVF treatment is an assisted-conception technique that increases the probability of egg fertilisation and pregnancy by combining the woman’s eggs with sperm in a laboratory petri dish. The resulting embryos (fertilised eggs) are transferred back to the woman’s womb with the aid of a fine tube called a catheter. IVF can help greatly in situations where both the man and the woman have infertility issues that prevent the egg and sperm from meeting naturally.

ivf treatment
icsi treatment

ICSI Treatment

ICSI Treatment increases the chances of conception through fertilisation by direct injection of sperm into the egg within a labratory, as opposed to IVF where the eggs and sperm are simply combined in a Petri dish. ICSI greatly increases the chances of fertilisation and pregnancy for couples who have had unsuccessful IVF or where sperm-related infertility issues are involved. ICSI is a great fix for male-related infertility issues such low sperm counts, low sperm motility and abnormal sperm forms, which are all factors that could make IVF unsuccessful.

IUI Treatment

IUI Treatment is a common fertility treatment that increases the probability of getting pregnant by directly transporting the sperm into the uterus (womb). IUI is a great option where vaginal sex is difficult or impossible and where male-factor infertility is involved. IUI is also a great alternative to IVF and ICSI, especially where religious issues are involved. Although the success rate might be lower (and it may not help at all for certain conditions), the less-invasive nature of the treatment which allows fertilisation to take place naturally within the woman’s body.

iui treatment
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